Collected Papers

Proceedings of the Symposium on the Prospects for 2020 : the Cross-strait Situation(2019.12)

Editorial Notice

Opening Remarks

Keynote Speech

Closing Remarks


1.The Situation in Mainland China


Institutionalization of Stagnation: Returning to the Mao’s Left-Line of “Xi-in-Command” Pattern

A Response to “Institutionalization of Stagnation: Returning to the Mao’s Left-Line of ‘Xi-in-Command’ Pattern ”


Exploring Chinese Studies: Thematic Analysis and Text Exploration of Chinese Research Papers over the Years

A Response to “ Exploring Chinese Studies: Thematic Analysis and Text Exploration of Chinese Research Papers over the Years”


China promotes The Belt and Road Initiative through public goods and its limits

A Response to “China promotes The Belt and Road Initiative through public goods and its limits ”


2.The Development of the Cross-strait Relations


The Transition and Development of Cross-Strait Investment Relationships

A Response to “ The Transition and Development of Cross-Strait Investment Relationships”


The impacts of Taiwan's academics teaching in Chinese universities on Cross-Strait relations

A Response to “The impacts of Taiwan's academics teaching in Chinese universities on Cross-Strait relations”


Chinese Fake News Exertion on Taiwan: Implications and Taiwan’s Countermeasures

A Response to “Chinese Fake News Exertion on Taiwan: Implications and Taiwan’s Countermeasures”


3.The Asia-Pacific Security Situation


Japan’s New National Security Act and the Security of Cross-Taiwan Strait

A Response to “Japan’s New National Security Act and the Security of Cross-Taiwan Strait”


The PRC’s Base System in the South China Sea and Its Impact

A Response to “The PRC’s Base System in the South China Sea and Its Impact”


The Development and Challenges of Mainland China's Semiconductor Industry: Competition with the United States, South Korea and Taiwan

A Response to “The Development and Challenges of Mainland China's Semiconductor Industry: Competition with the United States,South Korea and Taiwan ”



Chronicle of Cross-strait Relations: Nov 2017 - Oct 2019

Agenda of the Symposium on “The Prospects for 2020: the Cross-strait Situation”