News and Commentary

111 Judging China's Future Economic Downturn? Citing Japanese Deflation is Overly Pessimistic! 2024-01-04
112 New Measures Taken by Xi Jinping to Consolidate His Dictatorship 2024-01-04
113 Analysis of the PLA’s Successful Launch of the Yaogan-41 Satellite 2023-12-25
114 The Strength and Weakness of China’s Yuan Implies The Prospects of Its Economy 2023-12-25
115 Analysis of China’s Central Economic Work Conference in 2023 2023-12-20
116 Analysis of the Downgrading of China's Sovereign Credit Rating 2023-12-18
117 A Discernment of Human Rights Day and China’s Social Situation 2023-12-18
118 Commentary on Xi Jinping’s Visit to Vietnam 2023-12-14
119 What Message Are Released by the Annual Central Economic Work Conference 2023-12-14
120 China’s Economic Downturn and Prospects 2023-12-11